Current Developments

  Current Developments DWH

Harbour Place (Forty Acre Farm, Havant)

Havant Borough Council's planning committee resolved in August 2019 to grant permission for this development of 320 dwellings (70% open market and 30% affordable), a 66 bed care home, public open space, a habitat mitigation zone, and allotments. Following completion a legal agreement, full planning permission was granted in January 2020. The planning application reference is APP/18/00450 and details are available on the Council's planning website. Works are now well under way.

Since the original permission was granted, we have agreed several non-material amendments with Havant Borough Council and details can be obtained under the following references:

  • APP-20-01101, relating to parking to plots 161-156
  • APP-20-01099, relating to the positioning of a substation
  • APP-20-01098, relating to the level of plot 1, close to the site entrance
  • APP-20-01041, which substituted certain approved house types with slightly different units of the same size and number of bedrooms

In response to Havant Borough Council’s housing supply shortfall and the need to make most efficient use of Local Plan allocation sites, we are looking at the potential to raise the total number of units on the site from 320 to circa 350. This would be achieved mainly by replacing 4-bedroom homes with smaller units, in the lower-density areas of the site in the centre and east. Areas facing Westways would be unaffected. A briefing letter on this will be circulated to local residents before an application is registered with Havant Borough Council. Once our plans are received by the Council, there will be the opportunity to make representations directly to planning officers in the usual way.

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