Proposed Developments

  Proposed Developments DWH

Land Adjacent to Woodgate Nurseries - Parcel 2

The site of the proposed development is located adjacent to Woodgate Nurseries, Woodgate, West Sussex, 1 mile to the south of the village of Westergate and 4 miles to the north of the town of Bognor Regis (via the A29).

Outline Planning Permission was granted for Parcel 1, by Arun District Council, under reference AL/129/21/OUT on 22nd August 2022. Outline Planning Permission was granted for Parcel 2, by Arun District Council, under reference AL/70/23/OUT on 25th October 2023. The principle of residential development on this site has therefore already been established for this site.

Whilst this site will be developed by Barratt David Wilson Homes as a whole, two separate Reserved Matters applications will be submitted to Arun District Council for parcels 1 and 2 in respect of detailed layout and design matters, following on from the Outline Planning permissions granted.

The Reserved Matters  applications will comprise the following;

Parcel 1-  Reserved Matters consent for 95 new homes informal and public open space, landscape, drainage and other associated works;

Parcel 2- Reserved Matters consent for 155 new homes public open space, landscaping, drainage and other associated works.

The main aspects of the scheme are:

1.   95 residential new homes, of which 30% will comprise Affordable Dwellings including a mix of tenures under Parcel 1;

2.  155 residential new homes, of which 30% will comprise Affordable Dwellings including a mix of tenures under Parcel 2;

3.  Vehicular access will be from Lidsey Road, with a series of connected pedestrian and cycle links to the surrounding area;

4.  Existing vegetation is being retained wherever possible to support local ecology and landscape character, with new planting to enhance the development;

5.  A series of SUDs features are proposed to facilitate the development and ensure water run-off from the site is controlled within the development;

6.  The scheme overall will deliver 3 Local Areas of Play (LAP) and 2 Local Equipped Areas of Play (LEAP) as well as extensive areas of public open space to be enjoyed by local residents.  

7.   Electric Vehicle charging provision will be provided for every plot.

Both Reserved Matters applications will shortly be available to view on Arun District Councils website where you will have opportunity to make comments on the proposals.

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