Proposed Developments DWH

Whitchurch Phase 2

Barratt David Wilson Southampton previously delivered a scheme in Whitchurch comprising 100 houses, sports pitches, a sports pavilion, a school bus drop off facility and open space to land south of Winchester Street, known as Mill Springs (application ref. 16/02508/RES). BDW Southampton have interest in additional land to the south of Shuttle Street and Micheldever Road and are looking to bring forward a second phase of the development. 

A hybrid planning application (ref. 22/03219/FUL) was submitted to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) in November 2022. Following an extensive consultation period prior to submission with the public and relevant stakeholders, as well as multiple rounds of amendments during the course of the application the scheme now proposes:


  • 183 new homes (flats, semi-detached, terraced and detached houses) across a range of 1, 2,3 and 4 beds to meet identified local need;
  • 40% of the homes will be affordable homes as defined by the NPPF;
  • New medical facility;
  • Equipped play area along with kickabout area;
  • Large areas of formal and informal public open space with extensive network of footpaths around the site;
  • Substantial new planting and landscaping;
  • New woodland;
  • Ecology enhancement area through the site resulting in a 20% gain in biodiversity habitat.


This scheme has been worked up through careful analysis of the site and surrounding area by a technical consultant team, conversations with the GP surgery, and with consideration for Whitchurch’s current anticipated allocated to accommodate an additional 310 dwellings in the new Local Plan period up to 2039.

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