Current Developments DWH

Forest Walk, Whiteley

Barratt David Wilson Homes have recently acquired two parcels of land at the North Whiteley Urban Extension (Parcels 7 and 8), following the grant of Outline planning permission in 2018 (planning reference: 15/00485/OUT).

Parcel 7

Reserved matters consent, was submitted by Vistry for 449 dwellings (79 of those dwellings which relate to parcel 7) and subsequently granted planning permission in November 2020 (planning ref: 20/00754/REM). Barratt David Wilson Homes acquired Parcel 7 following the grant of the Reserved Matters and a subsequent non-material amendment application was submitted by Barratt David Wilson Homes to amend the house types from Vistry to Barratt product. This was granted planning permission on 10th November 2021 (planning ref: 21/02420/NMA).

Parcel 8

The main aspects of the scheme are:

  • 76 new homes
  • 10% in affordable tenures (in accordance with the Outline Planning Permission)
  • Provision for recreation and landscaped areas
  • Walking routes around and through the site
  • Single access route, accessed from the north, from the Botley direction, via the principal spine route which connects the urban extension as a whole
  • A sustainable drainage system


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